Note that in this page terms median ranking (algorithm) and rank aggregation (algorithm) refer to the same concept.

Type Number of datasets link
BioMedical 319
Sport F1, Sport ski, Websearch 172
Synthetic with similarities 1000
Synthetic with similarities and unified 1000
Synthetic uniform 16800
Example: A datasets explained
r1 := [[3, 4, 5], [1, 2]]:
r2 := [[2], [4], [3], [1, 5]]:
r3 := [[2], [4, 5], [3], [1]]:
r4 := [[1], [2, 5],\
 [3, 4]]:
r4 := [ [1] , [2, 5] , \ ¶ [3, 4] ] :
ranking name separator   first bucket   second bucket   multi line indicator third bucket   ending char
Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional
Note that the class MedianRankingTools from the MedianRankingInterface.jar library contains a function toRankingWithTieFromFile which reads any well formed datasets.
Turnkey eclipse project, libraries and API
Name Desciption link
Turnkey eclipse project An eclipse project ready to import. It containes the MedianRankingInterface.jar and the MedianRankingAnnotations.jar allowing you to (i) implement algorithms which can be used on this website, and (ii) annotate your methodes with fine grain descriptions and default values for the parameters. It also containes example for using both the Java interface and the annotations.
Median ranking interface and tools MedianRankingInterface.jar The library containing the Java Interface that you have to extends in order to let your own median ranking algorithm be usable by this website.
Median ranking annotations MedianRankingAnnotations.jar The library containing the Java Annotations which will help you to provide fine grain desciption of your classes, methodes and parameters.
Example: A class implementing the MedianRanking interface and using the annotations
package medianRanking.Exemple;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import medianRanking.MedianRanking;
import annotations.*;

@MRAnnotation(description = "Class presenting annotations", name = "Annotation example", virtualPackage = "Local search")
public class ExampleAnnotation<T> implements MedianRanking<T> {

    @MRConstructorAnnotation(hide = true)
    public ExampleAnnotation(@MRParameterAnnotation(defaultValue = "1.0",
                                                    description = "Constructor parameter",
                                                    name = "MyMoreExplicitParamName"int param) {


    public List<Collection<T>> computMedianRanking(Collection<List<Collection<T>>> rankings) {
        return rankings.iterator().next();

    public Collection<List<Collection<T>>> computMedianRankings(Collection<List<Collection<T>>> rankings) {
        Collection<List<Collection<T>>> ret = new ArrayList<List<Collection<T>>>();
        return ret;

    public String getFullName() {
        return "Ma classe d'exemple d'annotations";

    public boolean isBreakingTiesArbitrarily() {
        return true;

    public boolean isUsingRandomValue() {
        return false;
}Code Formatted by ToGoTutor